Basic info:

Honestly, I was bored again, and came up with this fun idea for how to improve snake. Here's a video on the process, but if you just want a text-based explanation of the rules, they're under the video:

Controls and instructions

Basic controls are the same, arrow keys or wasd. Your snake gets longer when you eat food (red or blue squares) and dies if you run into the snake or into a wall (gray and cyan squares, I'll get to that in a bit). If you run into the edge of the screen, you just get transported to the other side, which makes it a bit easier. 

The catch

Here's the cool feature. You use spacebar to switch between the blue and the red dimension. What exists in the blue one only exists in the blue one and what exists in the red one only exists in the red one. Pretty straightforward. What this means is that you're effectively splitting up your snake between two screens. You can thus easily evade your tail, since you can just switch into the other dimension, and it's not there.

Food (red square in the red dimension, blue square in the blue dimension) is a good thing, but where it spawns in one dimension, a wall spawns in the other dimension. These walls are light gray and running into them obviously ends the game.

Cyan walls are interdimensional, meaning that there's a wall there in both dimensions, and yellow powerups allow you to briefly see an overlay of the contents of the other dimension. However, you don't get them often so use them wisely.


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Hey man!

I saw your YouTube video on the ultimate tic tac toe. I’m currently working on a bot myself for the game using minimax and it would be amazing if I could ask a few questions. My email is andreasacampbell@gmail. 

All the best,
